There was no doubt about the title for my first blog, it had to be Hello World, I'm a geek and I know it!! Although that is not why I made this blog, I made it to share one of my loves in life, crafting. I’m a compulsive crafter, if I see something glittery or sparkly that’s it I’m hooked, I buy it make something pretty for myself or others, put all the left overs in a box keep them somewhere safe. I recently stumbled across an old crafting box in the loft (and I literally mean stumbled our loft is fit to burst!) so decided to begin completing all of those crafts that were started and never finished. I want to document all my crafty endeavours to this blog to keep a record for myself and others, and maybe give others some ideas of their own.
Now the blog name. It was actually thought up by my marvellous boyfriend Graeme but the meaning goes back further. My name between friends has been Duck for a long, long time (it involves a field, a baby and rude noise but that’s a story for another time!), and Stuffed, because one of my first adventures back into crafting was to make some pouches stuffed with lavender which didn’t quite go to plan…